Script that lets you search equipment materials

Are you tired of wasting spell points on identify just to find out what materials equipment is made of? Don't you know that appraise shows material info? What?
Anyway, here is script that lets you search equipment names and show their materials.

Usage: tid equipment name

tid torso
NAME: An evil looking cleaver called 'Torso-fragmenter'  MATS: steel
NAME: the Torso Maker sword  MATS: laen
Search matches equipment name(s) and shows name and materials.
NAME: A Jet Black Bastard Sword  MATS: adamantium
NAME: jet black onyx ring  MATS: onyx
NAME: jet black sleeves  MATS: 20% silk, 80% zhentorium
NAME: Soul Ripper, the jet black katana  MATS: quicksilver
NAME: Soul Ripper, the jet black rusty katana  MATS: quicksilver

Search is case-insensitive, both search pattern and eq name is lowercased before matching.

Get script from batclient_triggers, you also need eq data file. You need to modify file path in script to where you saved the eq data file.

Equipment data was provided by Nosunrise, Batshoppe. You can add more equipment info to his service.