ivory+coral+bone=dragonscale Pills ----- con yellow Mandrake int blue H'Cliz dex magenta Boneset wis cyan Jaslah str red Blood Moss cha green Mystic Carrot +15 -wacky dust- +14 -candy cane- +13 56min -space cowboy- +12 -bubble gum- +10 55min -yoda- +9 -gutter glitter- Modify ammunition ----------------- -- horns are sharp and tough, removing all 'special' damage mana -- crystalline plants are full of magical energy fire -- 'fire' material burns forever cold -- 'ice' material is always frozen poison -- h'cliz leaves are filled with lethal toxins electric -- tungsten material is an electrical power source asphyxiation -- death cap toadstools have choking spores psionic -- brain juices carry psionic effects acid -- stomach acids can eat into flesh Chest hull desc --------------- It looks totally incomplete. The basic structure is forming up. It slightly resembles a chest. It is missing a lid. It is still quite shaky. It looks like a small chest but it could be so much more. It does not look quite safe yet. The base looks strong now, but the lid is still quite weak. The chest is looking much larger. The construction looks bigger and bigger. The structure is now stronger than ever before. The chest looks big enough to hold out several equipments. The extra material has made the chest almost impossible to breach. The chest construction looks quite large and safe. The extra material in support-structure guarantees quality. The chest looks just perfect and there is very little unfinished. The construction looks very big and sturdy. Chest reinforcement desc ------------------------ The reinforcement looks totally incomplete The reinforcement is still quite weak. The structure looks much stronger because of the reinforcement. The reinforcement still lacks quality. The reinforcement looks fine but it could be improved. The reinforced chest looks quite sturdy now. It would be a pain to force through the reinforcements. Just a final touch and the reinforcement is fully complete. Chest lock desc --------------- The lock looks totally imcomplete. It slightly resembles a chest lock but much needs to be done. The basic structure is forming up quite nicely. The inner structure looks almost completed. The lock still lacks all the rolls. The lock looks somewhat ready. It looks like a primary lock but it could be so much more. The extra material in mechanism should pay off. The lock looks very complicated. It looks very strong, almost impossible to break. The mechanism is now stronger than before. The quality of lock is very high but dials could be more sturdy. The lock looks extremely strong and supreme quality. The lock looks incredibly strong and of divine quality. Chest trap desc --------------- The trap is forming up. The outer structure looks strong enough. The mechanism looks somewhat trimmed. The structure is now sturdy but small in size. The triggering device looks sophisticated. It looks like a basic trap but it could be so much more. It is a clever and nasty looking trap. The trap is complex and more protected against disarming. It looks very small yet lethal machine. It is an awesome trap but it could be superb. It is a superb trap by your standards. EQ Max cond messages -------------------- awesome brand new incredible used just a few times superb as good as new excellent has some small repairs great has some minor fixes good been fixed a few times fine been fixed several times battered patched up a few times poor patched up several times Gem materials and adjectives ---------------------------- Materials: 1 - amethyst, olivine, rhodonite, turquoise, zircon, amber, moonstone. 2 - alexandrite, carnelian, chrysoberyl, malachite, moss agate, opal, quartz, sunstone, topaz 3 - aquamarine 4 - garnet, onyx 5 - bloodstone, jade 6 - pearl 7 - sapphire 8 - ruby 10 - diamond, emerald Adjectives: 1 - cracked, flawed, shoddy, tiny 2 - chipped, dull, smal 3 - polished, shiny 4 - lovely 5 - gleaming, sparkling 6 - beautiful 7 - large 8 - magnificent 9 - flawless 10 - perfect Thanks Porter, Atheorist, Taras, Ordos