Script that lets you vote for Batmud in topmudsites

One day some dude said: "maksan 10m jos joku koodaa clienttiin semmosen vote nappulan joka aukee pienena ylakulmaan ainaku voi votee ja katoaa ku sita painaa :)", this script is not quite like that, because I don't like buttons and ui stuff seems complicated, but atleast it allows you to vote quickly from client.
Oh and it only works on topmudsites, because I did not have time to play with mudconnector yet.

Usage: First you need to enable voting by typing 'voted' or 'voted reset', if it returns 'Thank you for voting and supporting BatMUD! You may vote again in 12 hours.', you can vote by typing 'vote'.
This is to make sure you don't vote too often.

    Voting not enabled, type 'voted' or 'voted reset'
    It has not yet been 12 hours, you must wait 11h, 52min and 58s or use 'voted reset'.
    >voted reset
    Type 'vote' to vote for Batmud on TMS.
    Thank you for voting and supporting BatMUD! You may vote again in 12 hours.
    Voting for Batmud in TMS
    Sending 'POST' request to URL :
    Post parameters : do=in&oldhash=81512b091bc6f9a763b3746de24803c3&test=1afd663289977b4d521c9c56ecc7387b&mudid=253516&votehash=81512b091bc6f9a763b3746de24803c3
    Response Code : 200 

Now, I don't know if it really works, because TMS doesn't give any info whether voting was successful and they do it on purpose to discourage hackers.

What does the script do?

If we take a look at source, we notice that it has button that sends post request to

        <form name="click" action="" method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="do" value="in">
        <input name="oldhash" type="hidden" value="f347aa36741c115e9f1b66855e30d148">
        <input name="test" type="hidden" value="b4502044ef1d79f55b2781e21a0628c6">
        <input type="hidden" name="mudid" value="253516">
        <input type="hidden" name="votehash" value="f347aa36741c115e9f1b66855e30d148">

Script grabs those parameters and sends a post request to vote.php. Boom. Voted. Maybe.

Get script from batclient_triggers. You should probably examine it before using.